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Contributions of Rabindranath Tagore in Indian English Literature [Notes PDF] & Rabindranath Tagore Biography

Contributions of Rabindranath Tagore in Indian English Literature [Notes PDF] & Rabindranath Tagore Biography (BA 1st Semester Unit 1)
Ashfaque Karim

Contributions of Rabindranath Tagore in Indian English Literature


Born: 7 May 1861 in Kolkata, India

Died: 7 August 1941 in Kolkata, India

About of Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore was a famous Indian writer, poet, Artist and philosopher. He is best known for his work Gitanjali for which he become the first non European to win the Nobel prize in literature in 1913. His works Span poetry, songs, essays, Novel, and plays blending indian tradition and western literary forms. He founded Visva Bharati University to promoting holistic approach to education. His contributions to Indian literature, arts and Culture are immense and he wrote National anthem of both countries Indian And Bangladesh. His Humanist Philosophy and Universalism remain influential Globally.


Nobel Prize(1913): for his best work Gitanjali which he became the first non European to win Nobel prize in literature.


  • Composed the National Anthem for India ( Jana gana Mana) and Bangladesh (Amar sundor Bangladesh).
  • Founded Visva Bharati University to promote holistic education.
  • Authorised vast of works like Span poetry, songs, essays, Nobel and play blending indian tradition and western literary forms.
  • Advocated for humanism, universalism and Culture exchange through his writings and philosophy.

Major Works

  1. Gitanjali
  2. Kabuliwala
  3. Post office
  4. Gora
  5. The home and the world

Thematic Study of Gitanjali and Kabuliwala

1. Gitanjali: 

Gitanjali is a collection of 103 poems exploring themes of spirituality, devotion, and the relationship between the divinity and human. Written originally in Bengali and later translated into English, it reflects the poet's longing for unity with God, seen as both immanent and transcendent. The poems uses simple, lyrical language and vivid imagery to convey universal emotions of love, faith, surrender, and joy.


1. Divine Connection: The poems describe the soul's yearning for soul's alignment with thy.
2. Spiritual Fulfillment: Emphasis on the importance of surrender and devotion to achieve inner peace.
3. Mortality and Immortality: Explores the transient nature of human life versus the eternal divine.

4.Universal Love: Tagore emphasizes love as a uniting force between individuals and the divine.

2. Kabuliwala:

The story is about the bond between a Kabuliwala (Rahmat), an Afghan trader, and a young Bengali girl, Mini. Rahmat sells dry fruits and befriends Mini with his warmth and affection. The story takes a tragic turn when Rahmat is jailed for assaulting a customer. Years later, upon release, he visits Mini, now a grown woman who is to be married that day. Which reminds kabuliwala of his own daughter back at Home. Their interaction highlights the passage of time and the universality of humanity.


1. Human Connection: The story explores the bond beyond cultural and societal barriers.
2. Fatherhood and Separation: Rahmat's affection for Mini reflects his longing for his own daughter back in Afghanistan.
3. Time and Change:
It underscores how relationships evolve and how life is impermanent.
4. Empathy and Understanding:
The story calls for compassion in human interactions despite differences.

Comparison of Themes:

Both works explore universal emotions like love and connection.

While Gitanjali is spiritual and introspective, Kabuliwala focuses on human relationships and societal bonds.

Themes of time, change, and the search for meaning are central to both.


About of Rabindranath Tagore in indian english literature?

Check Out Article 0n my Website: "NotesLingo" for Full Answer.

Major Works of Rabindranath Tagore in indian english literature?

Gitanjali, Kabuliwala, Post office, Gora, The home and the world

Thematic Study of Rabindranath Tagore in indian english Literature?

Check Out Article 0n my Website: "NotesLingo" for Full Answer.

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