Contributions of Sri Aurobindo Ghose in Indian English Literature
Died: 5 December 1950 in Puducherry, India
About Of Sri Aurobindo Ghose:
Sri Aurobindo was an indian philosopher, yoga guru and poet in the modern history of indian english literature. he was also a journalist editing news paper like Bande Mataram. his reputation as a poet is just after Tagore. he joined the indian movement of freedom british rule and for a duration became one of its most popular leader. his father Krishna dhun Ghose was a popular civil sergeon and his mother name was swarn lata devi. His Famous works The Life Divine, Savitri:A Legend and a symbol capital. Aurobindo's education began in a christian Convent School in Darjeeling. While still a boy he was sent to england for further studies, he entered the university of Cambridge. He had learned Various Foreign Languages like Greek, Italian, German, Latin and Spanish in 1892, he came black to India. He Also Founded a Community of Spiritual seekers which took shape as the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1926 located in Pondicherry, India. It is renowned for its focus on spirituality, yoga, and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa), his spiritual collaborator.
Sri Aurobindo did not receive formal awards during his lifetime, but his legacy is widely honored:
1. UNESCO Recognition (1972): Celebrated his birth centenary.
2. Indian Government: Issued commemorative stamps in his honor.
3. Global Recognition: Auroville, inspired by his vision, is an internationally acclaimed township.
He Was nominated for Nobel prize in literature in 1943 and Nobel peace prize in 1950 for his literary work.
1. Freedom Movement: Advocated for complete independence (Purna Swaraj). Inspired revolutionaries through speeches and writings like Bande Mataram.
2. Spiritual Philosophy: Developed Integral Yoga, combining spiritual growth and worldly progress.
3. Literature: Authored major works like The Life Divine and Savitri, blending philosophy, spirituality, and poetry.
4. Education: Advocated holistic development of body, mind, and spirit. His ideals are followed at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education.
5. Human Unity: Founded Auroville, a global township promoting unity and sustainable living.
• Anita Desai Nicely Remark:
"Sri Aurobindo is not a poet, He is brand of modern Indian poet."
It is no doubt Indian English literature is highly indebted to Sri Aurobindo.
Major Works:
1. The Life Divine
2. Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol
3. Essays on the Gita
4. Bird of fire
5. Love And Death
Thematic Study Of Sri Aurobindo Ghose:
1. The Life Divine:
In The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo explores the evolution of human consciousness and its ultimate goal: the realization of the Divine in life. The book outlines a progressive ascent from the material to the spiritual, culminating in the supramental consciousness, which integrates spirit and matter.
1. Evolution of Consciousness: Human life is not the end but a stage in the ongoing evolution toward higher consciousness.
2. Integration of Spirit and Matter: Spiritual realization is not about renouncing the world but transforming it.
3. Divine Destiny of Humanity: Humanity is destined to achieve divinity by embodying the supramental consciousness.
4.The Nature of Reality: Reality is both one and many, manifesting as an interplay of the Absolute and the relative.
2. Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol:
Savitri is an epic poem that reimagines the ancient Indian legend of Savitri and Satyavan. It narrates Savitri's heroic journey to conquer Death and bring her husband back to life. The poem serves as an allegory for the spiritual journey of the soul toward divine realization.
1.Victory Over Death: Death symbolizes ignorance, which can be transcended through spiritual strength and divine love.
2. Love and Transformation: Love, as a divine force, has the power to transform and transcend mortality.
3. Divine Feminine Power: Savitri embodies the Shakti, the divine feminine force capable of defeating darkness.
4. Spiritual Evolution: The poem mirrors humanity's spiritual journey toward higher states of consciousness.
☆ Comparison of Themes:
1. Spiritual Evolution:
• The Life Divine: Explores evolution philosophically.
• Savitri: Illustrates evolution poetically through the soul's triumph over death.
2. Integration of Spirit and Matter:
• The Life Divine: Theoretical framework for integrating the divine in life.
• Savitri: Depicts this integration through Savitri’s victory and transformation.
3. Role of Divine Power: Both works emphasize divine intervention and spiritual strength as key to human transcendence.
About of Sri Aurobindo Ghose in indian english literature?
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Famous Works of Sri Aurobindo Ghose in indian english literature?
The Life Divine, Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol, Essays on the Gita, Bird of fire, Love And Death
Thematic Study of Sri Aurobindo Ghose in indian english Literature?
Check Out Article 0n my Website: "NotesLingo" for Full Answer.